What our Customers say...

General Testimonials

Very impressed and appreciative of each representative we dealt with. I will definitely be recommending SERVPRO of North Knoxville!! Great Job!!

Very pleased, especially with the level of communication. Frequent updates were appreciated. Very good customer service. Travis, Scott, and Kyle were all very helpful!

I was recommended to use SERVPRO of North Knoxville and I will do the same!

Keep your crew happy, they are great! They were very polite and professional. You should be very proud to have them on your staff!

I would like to recognize Travis and his SERVPRO Franchise for a job well done with one of our Policy Holders. The customer experience was top level and our Policy Holder was blown away at the rapid response and personal attention they received from SERVPRO!

I just wanted to say I’ve worked with Kyle on several claims over the last year and he has always done an excellent job. He communicates well on each job and I’ve never had a complaint. He also communicates with me on any issues he notices in addition to are inside water mitigation folks!

I appreciate the good job you guys do locally for us. It makes my job and our service to customers great!

Just a note to thank everyone who helped me through this ordeal. Job well done - Thank you!